Ashley was photographed running more shopping errands in Beverly Hills, LA today (July 28). She was previously spotted leaving her gym and stopping at Naked Baby boutique earlier in the day.

Pics under the cut..

Ashley was spotted leaving her gym before making a quick shopping stop at Naked Baby boutique in Los Angeles, CA today (July 28).

Pics under the cut..

Kellan revealed to E! that he’s thinking of sharing Ashley her NYC apartment (or maybe getting a new one together) for practical reasons!:

They’re already vampire costars and BFFs. And now, Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene may be moving in together! The Twilight hunk tells me that he’s considering splitting an apartment with his castmate so they can both be bicoastal.

“I was talking to Ashley about maybe sharing a place out here in New York,” Kellan told me last night at DKNY’s Summer Sunglass Soiree in NYC.

So would they be actual roommates and everything?

“We’re never here at the same time but we both love New York. So we’d be rooommates without being roommates…more like housemates!” he explained.

Source E!online

Check out the Breaking Dawn Poster from Comic Con in UHQ! And in case you missed it: We also previously posted a scan of a trading card featuring another new promo pic of Alice Cullen.

Full poster under the cut..