Watch it in the original quality at Yahoo!Movies | Thanks kristen_greene for the tip!

new stills [EW]

Ashley and co-stars Nikki Reed and Peter Facinelli attended a screening of ‘Breaking Dawn’ – Part I hosted by DKNY and The Cinema Society, today, November 16th, 2011 in New York City.

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Ashley and co-stars visited ‘The Ellen Show’ on Monday (Nov 14th) to tape an episode that will air this Friday, November 18th 2011. Below are the first pics and videos from the show!

Sources | via: 1,2,3, 4

Ashley outside the NBC Studios for the Today Show in NYC November 16, 2011. For her interview on the show click here.

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Source | Thanks ashleygreeneswe for the tip!

Ashley and co-star Jackson Rathbone sat down with during their stop in San Francisco for the fan event on November 10th, and talked about Breaking Dawn, their characters and upcoming projects:

In addition to last week’s grainy, shaky-cam coverage of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 event in San Francisco, I had the opportunity to chat with the stars of the movie in a glorious and more intimate roundtable interview setting.

The first pair of stars to face the gauntlet of questions was Ashley Greene (a.k.a. Alice) and Jackson Rathbone (a.k.a. Jasper):

How do you think your characters have evolved since the very first Twilight?

Jackson: It’s a constant evolution. It’s one of the things that first attracted us to the script. It’s lovely to play a character that moves, learns, and grows. Even though we are playing these immortal characters, it’s really lovely for us to grow and learn. With Jasper, he is kind of freaky at first. He doesn’t really know how to deal with humans around. He is trying to embrace this lifestyle because he loves Alice. He wants to be a part of this family. In New Moon, he screws up and almost kills Bella. In Eclipse, he rises up and tries to fight for the family. In Breaking Dawn Part 1, we see Jasper smile which is awesome — and I take this lady (points to Ashley) on the dance floor.

Ashley: Jasper gets to smile and Alice stops smiling for the first time.

Jackson: It’s a flip!

Jackson, right after this press tour, you’re going on tour with your band 100 Monkeys. Do you think you’ll ever take a break?

Jackson: I don’t really believe in down time — well — let me switch that around. I think all of my time is down time because I love what I do. I’m never bored or complacent. One of my favorite poems is “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Elliot. It’s about a man who wishes to change his life but doesn’t have the will to do it. I have always taken that as a queue to never be complacent.

Ashley, you have two movies coming up: LOL and Butter. Are you excited for your fans to see you in different roles?

Ashley: Yeah — I am. LOL is great because it’s a completely different character than Alice. She’s kind of the bad girl. It’s still a high school film and it’s still relatable — but it’s different. It adjusts to modern day technology and the trials that kids are going through now with this instant ability to put pictures online — and the struggle for adults to relate kids these days. Butter is a comedy and it’s a little dark. It’s about butter carving in Iowa which is a really big thing that I never knew existed. That one is really fun — the cast is incredible.

If you had to go back and redo the entire Twilight franchise, and had to play a different character. Who would you be?

Ashley: I wold be Victoria — cause I really liked her character. I know she’s the villain, but I think there are things about her that you can relate to. Someone took away her life partner and you kind of understand why she wants revenge. Villains are so layered and there’s so much going on and there’s always a reason why they are the way they are.

Jackson: I would be Jacob’s dad because he gets to sit the whole time. There are such long hours on set.

Ashley: You would fall asleep.

Jackson: That would be awesome!


Ashley and co-stars Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed stopped by the Today Show to promote ‘Breaking Dawn: Part I’.Check out their interview above!

Footage of them signing autographs outside in this video:

P.S: They only had them for almost one minute, but Jackson returned later for a longer solo interview. The interviewer then said they will have another Twilight star on the show tomorrow, but didn’t say who. So, and although she’s not listed in tomorrow’s episode any where, Ashley may actually stop by them again for a solo interview like it was mentioned in the initial press release (or it may be pre-taped from today). Make sure to tune in tomorrow just in case she shows up.

For candids and fanpics of Ashley arriving at the Today Show plaza click here


Sources: 1,2

Ashley Greene visited ‘Late Night With Jimmy Fallon’ at Rockefeller Center yesterday, November 15, 2011, in New York City. It was a pre-tape, and her episode will air on Thursday night (Friday morning), Novemebr 17th at 12:35 AM EST on NBC. Check out the pics under the cut:

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